How to Start a Job Search

by | Aug 12, 2021


Whether you’re beginning your journey in working life, taking your career in a different direction, or seeking a new position, job-hunting is daunting. Today, job applications are often exclusively digital, with hiring managers focusing on your online presence, LinkedIn profile, and conducting job interviews via phone or Zoom call.



Before you begin your job search, it’s essential to know what type of job you’re looking for. While some people may decide to apply to as many positions as possible, you’re more likely to be successful in securing a position you want by spending time on applications that interest you. Here are the critical steps in starting a successful job hunt.



Refine Your Professional Documents


The first step in any job search is to refine your professional documents. Your resume, cover letter, and in some cases, your portfolio are essential in any job application. 



Ensure these are up-to-date and geared toward a specific application. This is particularly important if it’s been several years since you last applied for a job. There may be skills or proficiencies listed that are no longer relevant, or you may have acquired new qualifications since you last updated your resume. 



Establish a strong standardized resume and cover letter but ensure you adapt them for each of your applications. Always proofread your documents and check for errors before printing or sending them off. 



Digitize Your Professional Approach


Most modern jobs are advertised and applied for online. The interview process may even take place through Zoom or another type of digital conferencing software. 



LinkedIn and online job boards are popular sources for recruitment and job respondents. According to Statista, applications via online job boards accounted for 20% of global hires in 2018, only ranking behind career websites. Job boards also accounted for nearly 50% of all job applications worldwide. 



Digital resumes, a polished LinkedIn profile, personal websites, and social media pages are all assets when applying for a position. These platforms add layers to your application, giving you a potential edge over the competition. 



It’s also important to review your social media profiles and delete content that may come off as unprofessional. A hiring manager is likely to carry out an online background check on you, including researching your social media pages. Remove inappropriate or immature photos and posts or tweets with text that is insensitive or potentially offensive. 



Set Targets


While getting a new job is the overarching goal, job seekers may become discouraged if they receive several rejections, causing them to lose confidence in future applications. Setting targets helps keep you on track and ensures you don’t get set back if you miss out on a role. 



Set weekly goals to ensure you stay on track with your search. For example, set a certain amount of applications to submit each week and create a goal of completing a particular number of interviews within a month. Not only does this keep you focused, but it also helps you keep positive as you hit targets and goals regularly. 



Use All Available Resources


There are plenty of online resources available to help you when hunting for your next job. From first-rate recruitment companies to professional career services, you can find quality career advice online to help you on your journey to finding a new job. Speak to career experts, search for remote and local jobs, and prepare for the interview questions with potential employers using your favorite resources. 



Websites like help bring recruiters and job seekers together. Our platform advertises various jobs in several locations, broadening the scope of your job search that results in job offers for the right candidate. 



Advance Your Search With Digital Job Boards 


Online job applications are becoming the norm and will continue to be a key part of the hiring process in the future. This is beneficial to hiring managers and job seekers because it’s more convenient and provides opportunities to market yourself through your digital materials such as a web portfolio, personal website, or social media account. 



Using a service like JobsFuel helps professionals find career opportunities that align with their goals, experience, and skill sets. A quick search on can result in hundreds of job opportunities. Start your job search today using JobsFuel.