I’m 40 and am still trying to figure out what Career to Do?

by | Feb 5, 2023

Are you stuck in your current career or wondering what profession to pursue next? If so, then you’re not alone. You might be 40 and feel lost when figuring out your professional path. 

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t use this time in your life as an opportunity to discover a rewarding new direction. With some thoughtfulness, guidance from others who have been where you are today, and careful planning. 

There is no limit to how successful your career transformation can be. So let’s go on a journey together as I share my tips for identifying the perfect job or industry switch at any age.

What career can you start at 40?

Career choices in agriculture are varied and wide-ranging, allowing individuals to pursue various career paths within the field. Some of the most popular career choices include agricultural engineer, crop production manager, agronomist, animal scientist, farm manager, agricultural extension agent, viticulturist (grape grower), food scientist and technologist, veterinarian, forestry and conservation scientist, and soil scientist. 

  1. An agricultural engineer works with the application of engineering technology to crop production and animal husbandry systems. They develop new technologies for improving crop yields and creating more efficient management systems for large-scale farms. Agricultural engineers also create harvesting machinery and irrigation equipment to improve food production techniques. 
  2. A crop production manager is involved in planning and managing the growth of crops on a farm or plantation. The role involves analyzing soil conditions, climate data, pests, or other threats to determine optimal growing conditions; designing irrigation systems; supervising planting schedules; monitoring crops during growth cycles. Overseeing pest management strategies; managing harvest schedules; maintaining records; and providing reports on crop yield performance. 
  3. An agronomist focuses on sustainable farming practices that minimize environmental damage while maximizing crop yields. Agronomists can specialize in plant breeding and genetics, soil science, plant pathology, or international agriculture development. In addition to developing sustainable farming methods, they may advise on fertilizers, pesticides, or other inputs required for maximum yields. 
  4. Animal scientists examine the characteristics of animals, such as their genetics, physiology, nutrition needs, or health issues related to animal production systems. They may work with specific species such as poultry or cattle or specialize in particular areas like nutrition or reproduction within the broader animal science field. Animal scientists also study aspects of animal welfare, including humane treatment protocols or research into methods that reduce the stress associated with transportation or living conditions. 

With these core roles, there is an entire range of other career opportunities within agriculture, including aquaculture specialists who raise fish used in land-based farms or open waters; beekeepers. Who specialize in producing honey; agrichemical technicians. 

Who research new forms of fertilizer; agricultural educators who teach students about farming career options; market researchers who track trends in demand certain types of products; vegetative specialists who improve turfgrass varieties. 

Plant breeders who create hybrid varieties suited to specific environments, etc. Agriculture is an immense industry offering many exciting opportunities for those interested in exploring it as a professional vocation.

Is 40 too old to start a career in tech?

40 is still young enough to start a career in tech. In fact, with the right attitude and dedication, it can be an excellent time to launch into the field. Studies have shown that mid-career professionals with experience in different sectors can bring unique value to a tech organization.

As technology continues to evolve rapidly, many organizations have come to appreciate the benefits of having seasoned team members who can provide valuable insights. They are also more likely to be able to identify potential problems and develop solutions before they become costly roadblocks.

Moreover, some research suggests that older workers may possess greater analytical reasoning skills than their younger counterparts due to increased years of experience. Additionally, older employees might be more motivated than those fresh out of college since they’re likely already established and looking for a challenge or change.


Tech leaders have also been vocal about supporting age diversity in the workplace as they recognize its significant benefits. For example, Microsoft recently launched “Tech Re-entry,” – a program specifically designed for those returning after taking an extended break from the industry due to childcare responsibilities or other reasons. 

The biggest challenge for transitioning over 40 into tech may lie in keeping up with the ever-changing trends and tools employers use. But this same challenge is faced by anyone undergoing a career change regardless of age.

 So don’t let that stop you; as long as someone has the curiosity and motivation necessary to learn new skills, there’s no reason why an individual over 40 cannot be successful in their pursuit of a tech career.


What is the best career to start at 45?

Starting a career at 45 can be daunting, especially if you’ve been out of the workforce for a while or are looking to switch industries. Several factors can play into determining the best career to start at this age, including your skills and interests, the job market in your area, and any existing qualifications or certifications you may have. 

One option for those who are 45 and considering a career change is to look into healthcare, technology, or education positions. These jobs often have lower barriers to entry than other industries and can allow individuals to develop specialized knowledge and experience. 

Additionally, some of these roles may require little prior experience or long-term commitments. For example, some healthcare organizations offer short-term positions for medical aides or billers. Similarly, tech companies may be interested in hiring experienced professionals with great problem-solving and troubleshooting abilities on a contract basis. 


Additionally, if you are interested in teaching or mentoring others, several options are available for those starting new careers at 45. Schools and universities often hire adjunct professors part-time, perfect for those who want to work around existing commitments or family obligations! 

Likewise, private tutors are always in demand, particularly during exam periods, making it possible to build up a successful business from scratch even later in life. Similarly, experienced professionals may also find great success as consultants, working with clients to give advice based on expertise built up over decades of hard work and dedication. 

No matter what direction you choose to pursue at this stage of life, it’s important that you do research into potential employers and job roles before leaping – this will help ensure that your new career path is something that aligns with your skillset as well as offering genuine opportunities for growth moving forward. 

It can also be helpful to seek advice from experts in the field through networking events or by obtaining one-to-one mentoring sessions from industry leaders. Ultimately by doing your due diligence now, you’ll be able to ensure that starting a new career at 45 is both enjoyable and rewarding.


What are good jobs for someone with no experience?

Good jobs for someone with no experience vary widely depending on the individual’s education and skill set. Administrative assistants, for instance, don’t usually require prior experience to get hired, but they should have excellent communication and organizational skills. 

Pharmacy technicians are also great for those without experience, as they possess basic math and computer literacy. Firefighters must undergo extensive training before starting work, but they can often gain entry-level positions without prior experience. 

Claims adjusters must understand insurance policies and be familiar with claims processing procedures so that some previous knowledge may help them land this job; however, many employers offer on-the-job training for those who have yet to gain experience. Sales representatives can make a living even without experience if they demonstrate good customer service skills and a go-getter attitude. 

Web developers should be familiar with coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. However, some companies may only accept applicants with coding experience, provided they are willing to learn quickly. Information technology technicians should ideally know how to troubleshoot computer hardware and software issues to be considered by employers. 

However, plenty of opportunities are available where some prior technical expertise is optional. Lastly, real estate agents need to pass an exam to become licensed in most states; however, once that is complete, people can get started immediately, even if they have never worked in the industry.


How many jobs will an average person have before the age of 40?

An average person is likely to hold multiple jobs throughout their life before the age of 40. According to recent studies, workers aged 25 to 34 years have an average of 4.5 jobs, while those aged 35 to 44 have an average of 2.9 jobs, and workers aged 45 to 52 have an average of 1.9 jobs. This can be attributed to a number of factors, such as changing needs in the workforce, career choices, geographical considerations, and lifestyle preferences. 

Younger generations are increasingly looking for work-life balance, which often requires them to seek new job opportunities more frequently than older generations did. Additionally, many younger workers are willing to make more frequent moves to gain experience or move into higher-paying roles. 

Geographical considerations also play a role, with workers moving for better job prospects or simply because they want a change of scenery or lifestyle. So it’s common for someone in their early 30s to have several jobs on their resume. 


Another factor contributing to the increased number of jobs held by younger people is their access to education and training programs which give them more options for finding employment. This means that more people are entering the workforce with skills that make them desirable candidates for positions with greater challenges and rewards than other available roles within the same sector. 

All these factors combined mean that an average person is likely to hold multiple different positions before they reach 40 years old – possibly up to 5 or 6, depending on their circumstances and career goals as they continue searching for better opportunities and increasing challenges as they grow professionally and personally throughout their working life.


Is 40 considered to be old?

No, 40 is not considered to be old. While some people may feel that 40 is the beginning of old age, it would be more accurate to refer to 40 as “midlife” or the start of “middle adulthood.” Middle adulthood is between 35 and 60, so 40 is firmly in the middle of this age range. During this stage, individuals typically experience physical changes that come with aging, such as graying hair and wrinkles. 

Still, they also often have greater self-awareness, wisdom from life experience, and stability. Most people in middle adulthood are still relatively healthy and are often in their prime physically and mentally. 

Furthermore, middle adulthood can provide increased opportunities for career advancement and personal growth since many people in this age group already have established themselves professionally and can use their knowledge base to further their careers. 

So while some might view 40 as an advanced stage of life, it is much better to think of it as midlife, a time of maturity with the potential for exciting new experiences.


There is still time if you’re over 40 and still need to figure out what career to do. You can find success and fulfillment in many different ways; it just takes time, effort, and research. We hope this blog post has given you some clarity and direction. Remember, you’re always young enough to reinvent yourself and pursue your dream career; all it takes is courage and determination.