Writing Your Resume – What to Consider When Writing Your Resume

by | Oct 29, 2021

A well-crafted resume shows hiring personnel your professionalism and work ethic, as well as your qualifications for the job. From your past work experience to interesting personal details, your resume should engage HR managers and land you an interview. 


The process of writing your resume should include careful thought about the job you are applying for and how your experience relates to the job description. Discover the most important components to include in your resume and techniques to ensure that your resume stands out from other job seekers.  




List Your Work Experience and Skills


The work experience and skills section will be the bulk of your resume. The hiring manager needs to know if you have relevant skills for the job. Include a bullet point under each past job title that states the skills required for that past job. 


A skill is not a specific responsibility from a past job. An example of a specific responsibility would be writing weekly news emails or entering food orders into a complicated computer system.


A skill is an ability used to complete the specific jobs you have had in the past. The skill associated with writing weekly emails could be “proficient writer” or “content analysis and summary.” The skill related to the fast food industry could be “quick adaptation to computer programs.” 


By summarizing your work in this way, hiring managers will easily match your past experience with their requirements.




Highlight Relevant Education and Qualifications



An education section shows an important achievement from your past. Graduating from secondary or tertiary educational institutions shows a level of commitment that jobs are interested in. 


List the classes you attended during your education that connect your schooling to the job. You can show how your past coursework has introduced you to important concepts and skills relevant to the job.


Vocational courses and job-specific certifications are a quick and precise way to get job-relevant education. There are many jobs that require certifications or vocational courses rather than more traditional education. The time to earn certifications and pass courses range from several months to a couple of years. Check your state’s workforce commission for lists of certifications and courses to help you enhance your resume. 




Add Interesting Personal Details


A resume must include basic personal details like name, address, email address, and other contact information, such as your phone number. 


An interests section is acceptable but should be kept minimal. Letting HR know some things you enjoy is an excellent way to make you a memorable candidate. It can demonstrate soft skills like communication and time management.




Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description


A tailored resume is designed specifically for one job. The job description should guide the way you structure your resume and what content you’ll include. By matching your resume with the job description you are showing interest and initiative.


Maybe the job requires specific certifications and skills that you have. Bold those certifications and skills to make sure the hiring personnel notices them. This practice also is more likely to get your resume placed on top of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) search. 


An ATS helps hiring managers to find the best candidates for specific jobs by doing keyword scans, resume scans, and other algorithmic searches. By tailoring your resume based on the job description, the resume is more likely to show up on the ATS.



Choose a Clean Format


A resume’s format is vital for quick and easy reading. Hiring personnel have to read through hundreds of applicants’ resumes, and a clean, readable resume format makes their job as easy as possible. 



Carefully choose typographical elements


The goal of a resume’s format is to deliver the key information to the reader as simply as possible. This means no unnecessary colors, highlights, or lines. The best way to emphasize sections or jobs is to strategically use underlines, italics, or bolding in the text. This draws the eye in without dominating the page. But avoid mixing typographic features.



Use the right spacing


Use white space effectively to make your resume visually appealing and clear, and adjust the spacing between lines and paragraphs to ensure consistency. 



Make it easy to read


Opt for an easily readable font, such as Calibri or Arial, that is no smaller than 11 point for the main content. 



Try Writing Program Templates


You can also use a template from Google docs or other writing programs. It is a good practice to check these format templates against the recommendations of university career centers. Universities hire professionals to give this advice and often you do not have to be a student to access their websites.




Double Check Your Resume Before Sending in an Application


Always proofread your resume before sending it with an application. A resume with no errors allows the hiring manager to focus on your qualifications. 


It is often easier to catch mistakes in spelling and grammar when reading the document out loud. It also helps to have a friend read it over as they often catch mistakes that you miss. 




Craft the Perfect Resume to Get the Job You Want


Writing an eye-catching functional resume gives you the best chance to get your next job. Tailoring your resume, focusing on skills, and proofreading are just three steps that will take your resume to the next level.


Jobsfuel.com is a valuable tool to aid in your job search and the application process. We list thousands of jobs and offer helpful advice on a range of topics, from interview techniques to writing an engaging cover letter. 

Let us help you increase your chances of successfully finding your next job.