What are the Nine Agriculture Career Focus Areas?

by | Mar 5, 2023

Have you ever considered a career in agriculture? If so, you may wonder what the various focus areas are and which one may be best for you. Agriculture is an expansive industry that offers numerous opportunities and possibilities with nine distinct focus areas, each requiring unique skill sets and expertise to succeed. 

From struggling family farms to global industrialization projects, this industry touches all corners of the world, especially regarding food production. As climate change continues to affect how we grow our food drastically, related occupations become even more vital. Take some time today to explore these nine categories within agriculture and find out if any call out your name.


How many types of agriculture are there in class 9?

In many high school curriculums, agriculture is a major field of study, and class 9 is no exception. In this grade, students are expected to gain an understanding of various types of agriculture and the different ways they can be classified. Generally speaking, there are two main types of agriculture; subsistence and commercial. 

Subsistence farming is practiced mainly to meet the needs of the farmer’s family or community. It usually involves traditional methods and limited resources such as manual labor and low-technology tools. The focus here is on providing food for consumption rather than large-scale production for sale or trading purposes. This agriculture primarily occurs in rural areas where access to modern technology may be limited. 

On the other hand, commercial farming focuses on large-scale production mainly for sale or trade purposes. It often utilizes modern technologies such as tractors, harvesters, irrigation systems, and manual labor to produce high yields for global markets. This type of agriculture normally occurs in more developed regions where access to resources like capital, labor, land, and technology is much greater than that of subsistence farming operations. 

In addition to these two main types of agricultural practices, other minor categories exist, such as agroforestry, aquaculture, and agritourism, amongst others. Agroforestry combines forestry with traditional forms of agriculture, such as livestock rearing, while aquaculture involves breeding and harvesting aquatic organisms to achieve economic goals. Agritourism is an increasingly popular trend that encourages tourists to visit farms and engage with local agricultural practices while providing additional income streams for farmers. 

Overall, class 9 students will learn about various types of agriculture, including subsistence farming, commercial farming, agroforestry aquaculture, and agritourism, to name a few! These different forms have unique features, which students should become familiar with to understand better how global agricultural systems operate today.

What are the largest career areas in agriculture?

The largest career areas in agriculture are incredibly diverse and can range from agricultural engineering and economic analysis to farm management, soil science, conservation planning, and commercial horticulture. 

  1. Agricultural engineering is one of the most popular choices as it involves the application of engineering principles to engage with agricultural problems. This includes working with soil and water conservation, irrigation systems, drainage systems, waste management systems for animal farms, renewable energy development projects such as biogas production and ethanol production plants, pest control methods, and automation in agricultural production processes such as harvesting machines or milking robots. 
  2. Agricultural economists specialize in applying economic principles to crop production cycles and analyzing market trends within the industry. They may also be involved in researching climate change impacts on crops and creating strategies to mitigate any risks they identify. Agricultural economists may also develop policies around land use regulations or subsidies for farmers. 
  3. Farm managers oversee a farming enterprise’s day-to-day operations, including operations related to livestock farming or crop production (or both). This may include setting budgets, maintaining schedules for planting/harvesting crops; preparing reports for investors or potential lenders; establishing safety protocols; supervising staff; managing machinery; negotiating contracts with suppliers; etc. Farm managers may also be involved in marketing activities to promote their product(s) outside the farm gate. 
  4. Soil scientists work with the physical properties of soils such as texture (e.g., sandiness), surface area development (e.g., pore space), nutrient availability/holding capacity (e.g., organic matter content), structure (e.g., weak vs. strong aggregates), pH levels, and more. They may analyze soil samples in labs or conduct field experiments to assess soil health & fertility and make recommendations on which crops should be grown based on their findings related to those factors mentioned above & more – this contributes significantly towards better yields & higher quality produce overall! 
  5. Conservation planners are essential members of agricultural teams who ensure that best practices based on scientific evidence are used when making decisions related to sustainability measures across a given landscape. They are responsible for designing plans & implementing them while monitoring environmental conditions over time; they may also consult other stakeholders like wildlife organizations or government agencies throughout this process – all towards protecting natural resources & promoting biodiversity within that region! 
  6. Finally, commercial horticulturalists specialize in growing fruits & vegetables at scale – from seedling nurseries through harvest season – ensuring optimal conditions throughout each stage of the process by applying agronomic techniques such as irrigation systems management, fertilization regimes implementation or plant protection measures against pests & diseases outbreaks – all towards delivering high-quality produce at scale.


What is a career in agriculture?

A career in agriculture is an exciting and rewarding field that offers a wide range of opportunities for professional growth. Those looking to pursue this job can find positions in farming and corporate agricultural settings, with many paths leading to the same goal: helping cultivate the world’s food supply. Farming jobs are divided into two main categories: crop production and animal husbandry. Crop production involves growing, harvesting, and selling crops such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. 

Animal husbandry involves caring for and managing livestock such as cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. Additionally, professionals in this field may be responsible for the day-to-day operations of a farm or ranch. Corporate agricultural roles can include working on marketing campaigns for food products or managing distribution centers for large agribusinesses. No matter which path is chosen, those pursuing a career in agriculture must have excellent communication skills to effectively collaborate with their peers and customers. 

Moreover, they should possess strong organizational abilities since they work simultaneously with multiple projects. In addition to technical knowledge, individuals must also understand economics since pricing decisions are often based on market forces rather than technical considerations. 

Being well-versed in legal issues is essential since contracts are key components of many agricultural businesses. A career in agriculture offers plenty of potential rewards; professionals get to contribute to feeding the world’s population and may also earn competitive salaries. There’s no limit to what one can achieve with hard work and dedication within this profession.


What are the eight major areas of agriculture?

Consulting is a great career choice whether you’re just entering the job market or looking to switch careers. As a consultant, you can build upon existing skills while learning new ones and gaining valuable knowledge that will help advance your career. 

The opportunity to work with different industries, organizations and people attracts many people to the consulting field. Moreover, consultants possess unique qualities, such as strong problem-solving abilities and excellent communication skills, which are essential for success in any organization or industry. 

Below I’ll share the top 8 areas of agriculture that can inspire you and give you a better way to start your career in Agriculture.

  1. Pastoral Farming, also known as animal husbandry or rangeland management, raises cattle, sheep, goats, and other livestock on open grasslands. This farming commonly includes the transhumance movement of herds from one area to another in search of food and water. 
  2. Arable Farming involves cultivating crops in fields or on another land suitable for growing crops. This farming typically involves using agricultural machinery and chemical fertilizers to increase crop yields. 
  3. Shifting Agriculture is an agricultural system that involves the periodic movement of people between different areas to shift cultivation. This type of agriculture does not involve permanent settlement in any area but instead relies on cyclical migration from one area to another. 
  4. Mixed Farming is a method that combines both arable and pastoral farming activities on a single farm. This type of farming has traditionally been used in areas where climatic conditions do not allow either form of farming to be successful. 
  5. Nomadic Agriculture is a system that moves herds between grazing lands throughout the year without establishing any permanent settlements or infrastructure. 
  6. Sedentary Agriculture involves planting crops and rearing livestock in a fixed location over an extended period. 
  7. Subsistence Farming refers to production practices used to grow food primarily for own consumption rather than for sale or other forms of exchange. 
  8. Commercial Agriculture focuses on producing cash crops (non-food plants) designed primarily to generate revenue rather than feed people directly, such as cotton, sugar cane, and coffee beans. Each major area of agriculture offers unique opportunities for farmers and producers who understand how to leverage their resources within each system’s different set-up for success.


What are career choices in agriculture?

There are many different career paths available in the world of agriculture. The most popular include agricultural engineers, animal scientists, agronomists, biotechnologists, crop advisors, farm managers and administrators, foresters, land surveyors, and soil conservationists. Agricultural engineers apply engineering principles and technologies to solve problems in agriculture, and animal scientists use biology and genetics to improve livestock production and quality. 


Agronomists study soil fertility, crop rotation, and management techniques to increase crop yields. Biotechnologists use advanced methods to create new plants with desired characteristics or develop treatments for diseases that affect plants or animals. 

Crop advisors work with farmers to identify problems affecting crops and recommend solutions such as fertilizers or pesticides. Farm managers oversee a farm’s day-to-day operations, including maintenance of equipment and buildings, marketing of products, or management of personnel. 

Foresters manage forests for timber production and other uses, while land surveyors map out parcels of land for development or resource extraction. Soil conservationists help protect natural resources by developing plans to reduce erosion or pollution from agricultural activities. 

Those who pursue these careers often have a degree in an agricultural field, such as agronomy, horticulture, or animal science. Still, many opportunities are available for those who need formal education in the field and possess knowledge and experience with farming practices.


There are a variety of agriculture career focus areas to consider pursuing. These include agribusiness, agricultural education, animal sciences, food science and human nutrition, horticulture, plant sciences, soil science, sustainable agriculture, and viticulture and enology. Consider your skills and interests when choosing a path to pursue. With the right training and experience, you can have a successful career in agriculture.